TheoryWorks I: Marking Your Beats

  • 1

    Intro to Rhythm

    • Welcome!

    • "Nice Work If You Can Get It:" The Six Steps to Learning New Music

    • Download "Nice Work If You Can Get It"

  • 2

    Step 3: Marking Your Beats

    • I've Got Rhythm

    • Note Values

    • Rest Values

    • QUIZ: Note and Rest Values

    • Dotted Notes and Ties

    • Syncopation

    • Triplets

    • Dotted Notes, Ties, and Triplets: Quiz

    • Time Signatures: Simple Meter

    • Feeling Time Signatures

    • Understanding Swing

    • QUIZ: Time Signatures

    • Warm Up: "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"

    • Marking Your Beats Assignment: "Nice Work If You Can Get It"

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    Step 4: Self Conducting

    • Conducting in 4

    • Conducting in 2 and 3

    • Cut Time vs. Common Time

    • Time Signature Changes

    • QUIZ: Conducting and Beat Patterns

    • Progressive Conducting Exercises

    • Warmup: "Pick-A-Little, Talk-A-Little"

    • Self-Conducting Assignment: Speak and Conduct "Nice Work If You Can Get It"

  • 4

    The Next Step: Pitch

    • The Next Steps: Plunking Your Melody Line

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